Thursday, November 30, 2006
Saw a thread in the mediacorp forum that is quite interesting.. the title of the thread is ''You can....... but ..........'' some are really quite funny and some are quite true also.... those in bold are those that i think are funny..~ You can read every single book but you cannot say you know everything in this world~ You have savour every food but you cannot eat them at one go.~ You can have all the women in this world but you cannot have their love~ you can cry after breakups but no men or women is worth your tears.~ You can serve NS for 10 years but to the garment, you are worthless.~ you can mug for 10 hrs everyday but still fail ur exam~ You can be the most cleverest thief in the world but one day you will still get caught by the police...~ You can be the richest man in the world but you will still be bankrupt one day.~ You can beat me if you dare but I will make sure you will pay for the price...~ you can litter everywhere but there may not be anyone to clean up after u~ you can swear all you want but still no one believes you~ you can post all the lame threads you want, but all the moderators have to do is just lock it up.~ You can have a bed but not sleep.~ You can have a house but not a home. ~ You can have medicine but not health.~ you can think that to the world you r small but you'll nv noe to someone you r his/her world~ You can go to watch a movie today but you must come back before midnight...~ u can do whatever you want but u must not hurt urself~ you can eat the candies but you must give some to your brother...~ you can see the world but u must be filial to ur parents first.~ you can sing but you cannot dance...~ you can love but u cannot hate~ You can buy what you want but you must have money first....~ you can hate people for all u want but u can't stop someone for loving you~ you can hold a person tight but one day u have to let the person go.~ you can commit suicide but no one cares.~ You can claim you're crazy but there's an even crazier person out there.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
曾经有人说过 '' 人生就像坐列车,有人上车,有人下车''。 两个礼拜前,十位南初新闻台的学生一起上了这趟前往新传媒学习之旅的列车。他们在列车上认识了许多人。这些人有的是在食阁里卖食物,有的是在服装间里工作,有的是编导,有的是助理编导。这些人有的在列车上待了几个月,有的已经待了几十年了。是他们丰富了我们在列车上的日子,也是他们使我们不舍得下车。但是天下没有不散的筵席。两个礼拜后,我们还是得下车。尽管我们心里充满着再多的不舍,列车回到了总站,就是要下车。到了总站, 又有另一批的十位南初新闻台的学生要上车了。他们将会前往同样的旅程,认识列车上的人。而回到原位的我们,也该回到自己的岗位,去赶完所有的假期功课。我希望也相信以后我们一定还是有机会得到上这趟列车的车票!_____________________________________________________________________was feeling bored at home and i dont feel like doing any homework. So wrote out this short essay.. maybe it's a warm-up for my 创作..... :Pi am going to finally get my haircut.. hopefully this sat.. as usual in msia....i am waiting for this haircut dunno since how long alr.....我等到花儿也谢了.....
This is the friendship post?! omg it sounds so weird....
me with josline.... a very nice and funny gal....''relax...take your time...''
josline with her 2 amkss juniors, her intern and her intern and juniors' friend
me and yoyo
i think that's all for the pics. but i think there are quite a few more to come from nia sin.... anw thanks to my dear kh that has finally helped me to get rid of my ''paddy'' nick... she suggested me to be called padolyn.... ok ... whatever.... :)
anw 4 more days to my bdae!! i have alr got my 1st gift from mama aka the librarian and papa aka the smart slacker. What i got from them is a jacket. But the brand is a secret. yah. and they still owe my one more present for my promo results. hehe.. and people reading this blog, my bdae is on 3 dec :)
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Today was the last day of the mdc internship. oh my gosh... 2 weeks just flew past me so fast..... Reached mdc at ard 930am today and went to canteen to find the gang to prepare for the gifts for the people there. We wrote our messages and stuffs. We returned to the office at ard 11 plus. Then since we got nothing to do, we decided to give out out gifts. But too bad.. for my department, only josline was there. So i gave josline the chocolate, 3 packets of Ribena (since she was complaining that the Annex Building does not have Ribena anymore) and the card. For the rest of the people, i just placed the chocolates and the card on their tables. After giving out the gifts, we have nothing to do since it was the last day alr. So we go eat lunch with josline and 陈阿姨. But we didnt share the same table since the large tables have been reserved for the Media Academy kids. But our tables are just opposite each other. Anw throughout the whole day, we have been loitering ard mdc, talking to people like deyuan GEGE, the wardobe lady, 陈阿姨, the human resource people etc. Overall i can say that everyone in the tv building are nice people, including the wardrobe lady. The canteen lady also very nice coz normally she only sells HK noodles on wednesday. But since today is our last day, she sells HK noodles today!And we also walked ard, treating everyone in the office to eat the waffle biscuits and everyone say that it is nice. QiQi even asked where we bought it from. We have now become the spokeperson for Watsons alr...haha... The bisucits are so popular that before the day ends, there is only 2 sticks of the waffle biscuit left.And since we have decided to have our 'last' dinner in mdc, we stayed till 8. having dinner with deyuan GEGE. And since we stayed till so late, Erina has alr left. Hence we could not return our pass and the report form. So...... we can come back again another day to return the pass!!!! Oh man, i am loving it! Right now, i have 8 passes with me and a few report forms.... I bet i am gonna miss the office smell... cant wait to go back to the office again... WooHoo!!!!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Today is friday which means that my internship with mediacorp is going to come to an end. oh man.. i dread it! Recalling back to 2 weeks ago, when i was at the midst of preparing for my OP, what i was worrying most was not the OP, but rather the mdc internship. I guess only yifang can understand most about how much i worry for it. But with a blink, the internship is going to come an end. Now how i wish this day just dont come. I believe the great friends that i have made, the people at mdc and maybe the food there are the most crucial factors that has made me change my thinking. I really enjoy alot for these 2 weeks.So today me,xiuqin, niasin and gillian ( the usual 4 of us) watned to ask josline and yoyo for dinner together. But yoyo has to 包片 at 6.30pm. so she can't go lunch with us. So we asked her for lunch on monday and only to receive this shocking news from her. She is on leave on Monday. argh!!!! then we asked her whether can postpone the leave to tues since we are leaving on mon and she can't coz monday is her grandma's funeral. haizzz..... so we asked her to take photos with us since we actually have alr planned to take photos with her on monday. And everytime we took finish the photo, she will want to see if it is nice. haha. Then we went for dinner with shengping.i was quite full hence i didnt eat. And as we are going back, we met 陈阿姨. she was going home and since she met us, she brought us to watch the poeple filming drama. So we sat down there and watch Elvin, Joanne Peh, Fiona Xie, Zhang YaoDong and Ben Yeo filming the drama. And it's so paiseh coz at this moment my stomach kept growling nonstop. argh! On monday, we will be having lunch with josline, 陈阿姨 and 玉芬阿姨. What a pity that yoyo couldnt join us. Should have eaten lunch with them today. Shall post up the pics when nia sin send me. Will be going out to orchard with the gang to buy gifts for the CA dept people tmr.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
MEDIACORP INTERNSHIP WILT DIARY (DAY 3)Why does the building of mediacorp built in a place that is so away from the traffic?! make me have to walk such a long way today. somemore i thought i was going to be late coz i was told to be at the office at 9.20am. so i walked at a very fast pace up the stupid long slope.. run up the stairs and when i reached the office, i saw the sms from joseline..saying that she will be late due to trafiic jam and ask me to ''take my time''... haha.. her favourite line....anw today went with joselin to watch the packaging of the CROSSFIRE. we stayed there for about 3 hrs. She was there to add the subtitles to the program... it's quite cool... and i realised that for every program, no matter if it is popular anot, all the people in the production will put in alot of effort even the slightest detail...And your reaction must be very fast if you are the one entering the subtitles... coz every time you press the space the line will be up on the screen. it means when you see the person speaks the next line, you must quickly press the space bar. Cannot be too fast or too slow...Btw i took photos of that room... but dun think i can upload it...Then after putting the subtitles for the whole program... you will have to re-run the whole program again to insert the names and position...but you can fast-forward the part which dun need to put the name... From what i see, i think you have to insert the names when :- the show starts... so you insert the repsective names of the respective people who starts to talk and of coz when the camera shoots the person while the person is talking.- After commercial break, same as above- Everytime when people start to talk so that the screen will not be so blank.After putting the names, then have to re-run the show again to put the titles. The names and position are put on the left hand side while the title is put on the right hand side...Joseline's boss, who is also my boss, then told me the whole process fo making a show.1)找题材, 找人。。。2)拍摄/录影3)剪辑4)包片 (packaging as stated above)5) 可以播映!Besides learning about the media stuffs, i also learnt how to play MineSweeper... haha... coz today was rather a slack day... so joseline on the comp for us to play.. and nia sin teaches us how to play minesweeper... i din realise that's the way to play minesweeper until was the day where i knockoff the earliest so far... at ard 5.15 pm... After i typed finished the subtitles.. then i can leave alr... Next tues and wed there will be the recording of CROSSFIRE.. and there will be 2 recordings on both days.. So by the time the whole thng ends, it will be ard 11pm.. so maybe i will leave when the 1st recording ends which is ard 8 or 9 pm.Looking at the time which i knockoff for the past few days, i am now nt sure whether will i be able to make it for the class bbq....Rmb the nice woman that i said on DAY 1? Her name is yu fen.. and her god-sis's son is william yeo. Today is much of observation... but i guess tmr i will have to do the archive again!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
MEDIACORP INTERNSHIP WILT (DAY 2)Today wasnt as slack as yesterday. Let's start from the morning. Coz me and serene and ruoyi were separated to different grps.. so today it is my first time taking bus to mediacorp alone. AND..... i felt i was so retarded. I know i must alight at the SHELL petrol station. And when i saw the SHELL petrol station, i took about 10secs to react that i must press the bell. Hence i alight at the stop after SHELL. And it was really a long way to mediacorp.Once i reached Mediacorp, me and xiu qin started to type the list for sorting out the tapes. While we were doing halfway, joyceln asked us to go down to do the archive coz she said in the afternoon, there will be alot of people using the editting room. Yah. So the whole day i have been doing the archive and typing the list. All the way till 7pm.Coz we have alr learnt how to do archive yesterday. so today i only learnt one thing. That is, to edit, you must press ''Mark In'' for both the recorder and the Player1. Since i didnt learn much today, let's talk about what i saw today.MEDIACORP INTERNSHIP WIST (DAY 2)Today i saw 5 male artistes and i female artiste. I saw pierre png twice, jeff wong once today and twice yesterday, wu luoyi(he's tall and looks nt bad. yah. is nt bad ONLY), bryan wong (the star idol champ) and wang jianbing. As for female, i saw the woman acting as pierre png's wife in PCK. Too bad i am nt interested in local stars. How i wish mediacorp is TVB... then can see all those handsome actors and pretty actresses....Speaking of TVB actors, i am recently temporary in love with kenneth ma. I think he's really cute and handsome. though he's 32, he looks like 20+ and one thing for sure is that he is really a down-to-earth nice and kind person....Anw while doing the archiving of the tapes, i saw a few familiar crescentian faces in the tapes. Coz we were doing about the libraries... so i saw Pan Lin from c2, Yingwei and Jasmine Cheong playing Scissors Paper Stones in the library?!, and i think i saw janice also coz i only saw her backview. so i am assuming it from her hairstyle.Tmr i will bo going to look at the production thing. So muz reach at 9.20am. i think i will take cab from tpy in case i missed the stop again...___________________________________________________________________end of internship. Now talk abt my permanent love. Juz came online and saw the audio clip of 好朋友. Really a very nice song. This is the first time i heard the 80% complete song and i really 起鸡皮疙瘩....really a very nice song though it's translated from a korean song...i really feel like crying while hearing it...他的歌聲真的進步了...唱得太有感覺了... This is the first song that i ever hear in my whole entire life that the first time i hear it, i feel like crying....oh man.. you are god!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
MEDIACORP INTERNSHIP WILT (DAY 1)Today was the first day of my attachment with mediacorp. Met up with ruoyi and serene at tpy interchange and we took 157 to mediacorp. We reached there at ard 830 but the rest were alr there at 8 oclock. hehe. Then we waited till Erina brought us to the meeting room and collect our forms and issue us our pass. Then we waited again....till 10.. and then someone brought us to tour ard mediacorp. Anw we have to wait till 10 coz the people there doesnt report work so early. Then we being allocated our respective departments. At first, i was under 财经追击。but then it was changed to CrossFire later. After we get to the office, the first job that my supervisor asked me to do was to go the chinese mediacorp forum to post msg. Well, visiting forums was one of my hobbies and tagging at forums is my forte. hehe..But then not long after, i was asked to go with XiuQin to the editting room to watch the people edit. And from it, i finally knew how a trailer was being done.1) We followed 曾月丽 to the sound recording room to see her do her VO. Her pronounciation was brillant. She took 2 takes before she passed the tape to the editting room.2) In the editting room, we saw how the editor edit and insert the images that the people want. She was damn fast and within 2 hrs, the trailer was done. PRO! Can watch out on tv the 焦点 trailer. It's abt bush and some china politics stuffs. that's the trailer that i am talking about.After we have our lunch but seriously speaking, i think the canteen cmi... i wonder how the artistes and the workers can survive it for such a long time.....When we get back, we stoned for quite a long while before Joclyn (nt sure whether izzit spelt this way) asked us to go and edit the archives. I think that's the first major task that i was given today. After editting, Joclyn and another woman(forgot her name but she was very nice) brought us tour ard mediacorp. Coz i think they are going to bring the completed trailers to the advertising department. hence we tagged along. After the first 2 steps stated above, 3) bring the tape/trailer to the advertising department for approval. For the same trailer, they will make at least 3 different types. It means for example, there are 今晚1030pm,明晚10.30pm and 星期四 10.30pm. 4) and then after approval, they will bring the tapes to the 2 Digital Media Centres for broadcasting. There are 2 DMCs because in case of terrorism, there is still another DMC that i s able to broadcast shows.I find the office in the advertising department damn cool. On almost every desks, there will be a computer and a television. And all the computers and televisions are switched on. Most importantly, there is SCV for the tvs. I saw one desk with the tv showing TVB channel and another one watching the 小气大财神 .Anw though today most of the time we were slacking and stoning, but we really managed to see alot of backstage stuffs. Yah. and i think the department that i was allocated to was quite ok. I think i no need to come back during the weekends. But there are some other departments that require the students to come back during weekends and stay till night.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Finally finish watching Triumph In The Skies through youtube last night. But youtube did not show the whole show. The people only upload parts with Sam and Zoe mostly. Anyway it's really a nice show. I guess it is one of my most anticipated TVB shows ever since Golden Faith. I like thae part about how the director goes about in developing zoe and sam's realtionship. In the earlier parts, unlike other dramas, they didnt show how fated Zoe and Sam are. Instead they do it in a way that will make the audience think that it's no good for these 2 to be a couple coz they just keep accomodating each other. Also, in the earlier parts, eg in the first few episodes, the director actually wants to show that Sam and belle were then the fated couple. My favourite scenes were the one when zoe was in hospital. i thought there was one scene that was quite touching but i cant rmb which one was it.And in this show, you can see the great acting skills by the fellow actors and actresses. Despite the great age gap between myolie and francis, you can still fell the chemistry between the both of them. And in the show, their age gap was being portrayed as 15 years but it does not act as a barrier for the both of them. Overall i will still give a thumb-up for this show. :)Now i am looking forward to Wars of In-laws. Will be getting the dvd from yenlin next week. but i guess i can only watch it after my attachment.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
recently i have realised that people with single eye lids looked more honest than people with double-eye lids. Not because i have single eye lids, but is because that day, my baby woke up with single eye lids and i realised that she looks so much more honest than she normally looks. yah.anw recently i have also come to this conclusion that there is no such thing as hatred unless you keep bearing in mind that you hate this perosn or the bad things that the person did to you. And one way to bear in mind that you hate this person is to blog about this perosn. And one way to bear in way about the bad things that the person did is to blog about the matter. another way is to talk about it non-stop. You see, if we dont keep thinking about how bad that person is and stuffs, we actually wont have any hatred on our hearts. Try it. it works.
Friday, November 03, 2006
This is an astrology reading that i got on the net:born 3rd Dec, Sagittarius (Fire)Let's see your sign's traits: see if correct. (No offence is meant here.) This is just a gist of the whole lot of explanations."This day is the day of ingenuity. They let very little stand in the way of realising their visions. Ingenious in carrying out their plans, they can be as secretive or manipulative as they need to be to get where they want to go. Yet, this is not per se a day of great personal ambition. They, rather, are more interested in their creations, family, jobs or hobbies themselves than they are in gaining fame or power for its own sake. Perhaps to some family members' dismay, Dec 3 ppl may not be overly concerned with making a financial success of themselves......Often technically oriented, they may in fact qualify as perfectionlists. Yet frequently enough they are able to strike a common chord in their fellow human beings who, respecting their dedication and single-mindedness, will often take the trouble to show interest in what they are doing......They require a high degree of privacy, and at certain crucial junctures in their lives may need to withdraw completely from the world. During such periods (which usually come after age thirty), they may even come to be known as recluses. It is almost as if they can only achieve their maximum concentration by being alone and able to plug in to some higher source......One danger for Dec 3 ppl is that they will get so caught up in their work that they will neglect personal development. Indeed, personalities (their own or others) may not be of the greatest interest to them. Basically, in their minds, they have been given certain mental tools, talents and physical abilities to work with, and that's it. But hopefully, sooner or later, they will see the wisdom in getting to know themselves at a deeper level --- searching and probing themselves with the same intensity they give to their work.........."Kind advice: Show more interest in yourself and your personal development. Sometimes delegate responsibilities to others, without worrying. Beware of becoming too reclusive -- maintain contact with the world and help those around you.Strengths: Concentrated, Innovative, CraftsmanlikeWeaknesses: Secretive, Strange, UnapproachableImage: Originator
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
woohooooooo! finally saw his new hairstyle. seriously, there is nt a very big difference. is juz a mirror image of his previous hairstyle...from 七三分 to 三七分... haha... the first time i saw the hairstyle is really like some korean actors hairstyle. and it's a bit too long. but anw it's still nice! :)

saw some ah beng lame jokes on net.(Act 1)Ah beng to a long-distance telephone operator: "COULD YOU PLEASE TELL ME THE TIME DIFFERENCE BETWEEN Taipei AND LAS VEGAS?"Operator: "JUST A MINUTE..."Ah beng: "THANK YOU," AND PUTS DOWN THE PHONE.(Act 2)At a bar in New York, the man to Ah Beng's left tells the bartender,"JOHNNIE WALKER, SINGLE." and his companion says, "JACK DANIELS, SINGLE."The bartender approaches Ah beng and asks, "AND YOU, SIR?"Ah beng replies: "Tan Ah Beng, MARRIED."(Act 3)After completing a jigsaw puzzle he'd been working on for quite sometime,Ah beng proudly shows off the finished puzzle to a friend."It took me ONLY 5 MONTHS TO DO IT," Ah beng brags."FIVE MONTHS? THAT'S TOO LONG." the friend exclaims. "YOU ARE A FOOL".Ah beng replies, "SEE THIS BOX, IT IS WRITTEN FOR 4-7 YRS."(Act 4)Ah Beng took part in the Singapore Manhunt Competition. During the Q&A segment, the host asks, "Name a drink that begins with the letter 'G'.The crowd shouts, "Gin! Gin!". Others exclaim, "No, its Grape Juice!"Another smart aleck yells, "Alamak, Gatorade!"Host : "Quiet please."Ah Beng laughs hysterically like a hyena before replying, "C'mon man, you think I need their help? I got more oliginal answer : Gu ni !" (cow milk in hokkien)(Act 5)Ah Beng had just bought a new computer and was using it when he encountered some problems. He decide to use the 'Help' command after some tries. Soon after, he become very irritated and called the computer retailer for support.Ah Beng : "I pressed the 'F1' key for help... but it's been over half an hour & still nobody has come to help me....(Act 6)In an English class: Teacher: "Class, do you know the meaning of parents?"Ah Beng: "Yes, teacher, it means father and mother"Teacher: "Good. Can you give me an example?"Ah Beng: "Sure. Cowboy's parents means cowboy's father and mother.Also can say Cowboy's father is Cow Pay & Cowboy's mother is Cow Boo.So together we say Cow Pay Cow Boo (KPKB)"The teacher fainted.(Act 7)Ah Beng with two red ears went to his doctor.The doctor asked him what had happened to his ears and he answered, "I was ironing a shirt and the phone ring lor- but instead of picking up the phone, I accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear. So kena lor!""Oh Dear!" the doctor exclaimed in disbelief."But.. what happened to the other ear?""That stoopid dumbo called back!"(Act 8)Why did Ah Beng go to a movie with his 18 friends?Because below 18 was not allowed.haha.. i like Act 6 the most.