Saturday, October 27, 2007
It's been a long time since i have my 12 hrs of slp.
misses it man.
and i had it yesterday.
so happy.ha.=D
slpt frm 9 pm to 9am this morning.
no wonder i am so energetic today the whole day.
guess i shall slp at 9pm everyday next week.
so that i will be fully energetic the next day.=)
and xiong is offering me and ns tix to tw..
8 days for 1300 bucks.(if i din rmb wrongly).
i want to go.but dun think my mama will allow bah.
and yuan lai my friendship with xiong is only worth an aircon.
xiong muz be very sad to know that.ha.
and there was these 2 kind little j1s.
who actually bought us Ruffle potato chips and some candies.
and the reason was just because we helped them to look after their guitar.
hmm..quite unexpected.coz we didnt really do much.
and i guess they picked us(or me?)to look after the guitar was because they heard us discussing about guitars bah.
anw thx alot!!.=)
and ns's pc half-stripped in front of me today!.
lol.ha.not really half-strip.but just lifting up his shirt to wipe his sweat.
but i just felt a pity that too bad ns wasnt there when it happened.
he was walking towards our table to buy some drinks from the vendin machine.
and i must re-emphsize that M NOT A SI BIAN TAI.
Friday, October 26, 2007
ORIGINAL LYRICS: 为什么不喝啤酒因为啤酒伤身体
EDITTED LYRICS 1: 为什么不吃薯条因为薯条伤身体
ORIGINAL LYRICS: 不用麻烦了不用麻烦了 不用麻烦不用麻烦了不用麻烦了
EDITTED LYRICS: 你有意见吗你有意见吗 你有意见吗你有意见吗你有意见吗 crap can the two of us be.
no wonder i am so high today.
coz there's my happy fruit LAM ZHIXIN who's there to entertain me the whole day.
she's really a great storyteller.
every word that come out from her mouth bound to be super funny and crappy.
just like how she was talking abt her home econs lessons in crez today...
and today we went to bugis to pray.
didnt really know how the whole procedure works.
but it's ok coz we gt our tour guide HAHA.
who will lead us in doing everything that is necessary.
hope the pray will work.
after that just walk around.
and wawa spray some perfume on my hand.
and it still can be smelt though i have bathed alr.
luckily the smell was not that bad.
and we bought the same socks.
same color.GREEN!.=D
papa must not be scared....
and my lg is coming AGAIN.
and think i am not going for it AGAIN.
9 nov 7.30pm @ bugis square level 1.
he will be having autograph on the concert tix.
since i dun have the tix.
no point going then.
or is there anybody that is willing to pei me go look c?.
Thursday, October 25, 2007


pa/ya/ha's favourite seats.
It's of the most frequent LTs that we often went.
it's also the LT2 that is the least coolest.
we have our econs/maths lecture here.
now no more le.
few days ago, we were discussing abt how funny english names can come tgt with surnames..
eg1. Lester Mo --> MoLester
eg.2 If Mr Foo were to have an english name....
[eg. Wonder Foo./Beauty Foo]
Today wawa n i did a kind deed.
by helping yaya to achieve her dream of taking solo pics with her beloved banana.
though she 嘴上keep saying dont want.
but we know for how long she has been yearning for it le.
so being the forever-always-so kind- papa and wawa,
we rehearsed 3 times b4 we went to request him.
2 times in mandarin version.
once in english version.
and yes.we are bilingual de.=)
and of coz in the end everything was settled by the both of us.
and yaya got to take TWO solo pics with her banana.
she must be super happy.
and going to leave ny with no more regrets le.ha.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
有人告诉我,鱼的记忆只有7秒。7秒之后它就不记得过去的事情,一切又都变成新的。所以在那小小的鱼缸里它永不觉得无聊,因为7秒一过每一个游过的地方又变成了新天地。我情愿你是鱼,7秒一过就什么都忘记,曾经遇到的人,曾经做过的事,就可以烟消云散。[徐同学说我只有六秒钟的记忆。quite]以真诚的心对待每一个人,以愉悦的心分享他人的快乐,以宽阔的心包容对不起你的人,以平常的心接受已发生的事实,以放下的心面对最难的割舍,这就是幸福。有些人是异面直线,永远不会相遇,各自安安分分地呆在自己的平面;有些人是平行线,虽在同一个平面,却有理智地保持着距离,相安无事;有些人却是相交的直线,情不自禁地靠近后,并发出烟火般灿烂夺目的交点,辉煌之后,是一地落寞的灰烬,和两个永不相遇的背影。但,它们至少拥有过,至少存在过,并不会虚无。或许,这世界,太大。或许,这世界,太难。或许,我们,还太小。无法理解那些过于复杂的,交错着,并且此起彼伏的情感。或许他们像两条线,相遇后合为一条线,通往所谓的永恒。或许他们像两条线,相交一点后,再继续向前,通往各自宿命的幸福深处。*credits to 《美文》
Saturday, October 20, 2007
十二星座失戀愛情句子牡羊座我試著拉近與你的差距,卻忘了比例尺在你掌心,忽遠忽近遙控我的心情,就連思念也,傳遞不了的遠距離。金牛座牆,是由一塊一塊的磚塊推積而成的,愛你心,是由一點一滴的愛意推積成的,牆因為風吹雨打漸漸的毀壞了,愛你的心被你一陣陣無情的打擊,心碎了。雙子座愛情的遊戲裡,我是挑戰者,而你是裁判,我很努力的再闖關,然而你卻還是判我出局。巨蟹座你忙,忘了我需要人陪。你忙,忘了我會寂寞。你忙,忘了我在等你電話。你忙,忘 了你對我的承諾。想告訴你"愛情"不是等你有空才來珍惜的。獅子座再多的承諾,我們的愛情還是有了瓶頸,再多的幸福,我們仍要與私心低頭,縱使我擁有著你給的承諾與幸福,還是必須承認,你的離開與我的心痛 。處女座天空失去了雲,它會不會寂寞?雲失去了一片天,它該往哪裡停泊?你離開了我,我的心,該不該為你保留?天秤座遇上一個人,只需一分鐘;喜歡一個人,只需一刻鐘;愛上一個人,只需一小時;但要忘了一個人,卻要一生。天蠍座因為我愛你,我強留這份感情,委曲求全的在你身邊,要去包容你的背叛,你的自私,你的傷害,我所付出的一切換來的就是一個不再愛我的你。射手座或許你會覺得我過得很開心!但在我歡樂的笑容中!總會有一秒是〝失落〞的是〝 沉重〞的!因為在這一秒中!我正在想那個我愛的〝你〞 。魔羯座如果有一天,你走進我的心裡,你一定會哭,因為裡面裝滿你的點滴。如果有一天, 我走進你的心裡,我也一定會哭,因為裡面找不到我的身影。水瓶座一分私心,十分傷心。一句祝福,奪我幸福。十分留心,留不住心。十分決心,使人傷心。雙魚座我用傻笑來代替我的眼淚,我用忙碌來代替我的思念,但我卻找不到任何東西,來代替我的心碎。
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Saturday, October 13, 2007
说话直接,是好还是坏?mama说那是真。yaya说却伤了她。自己昨天也微微被伤了。[ 但已经复原了. =D ]For me, 一旦跟一个人熟了说话就会变得太直接。有时是因为想开一下玩笑而有些话就没经过大脑就说出来了。看了yf 的tag 和 jm 的 autograph entry,现在回想起来,觉得满抱歉的。我想现在她们的心还应该贴着plaster bah...哈。套句我老公的话“大家熟归熟,该有的尊重还是要有的”但很明显有些人大概连尊重两个字怎么写都不知道吧。老师,朋友,两者都不懂得怎么尊重。可见这人品德有多恶劣...套句我uncle zhang 爱说的:“人性的丑陋”这种人我不屑认识!
歌曲:我等你不做考虑也没半点犹豫我就说了这一句我等你你眼中闪过了一些压抑更多的是怀疑所以你可以离去不相信你还会回心转意是我任性才决定要等你我眼中的泪没掉过一滴只是随你背 影慢慢倒流进心里我等你 半年为期逾期就狠狠把你忘记不止是伤心还包括一切甜蜜要等你要证明自己我可以纵容你在心底也可以当你只是路过的人而已我等你半年为期逾期就狠狠把你忘记你应该已经和她公开在一起要等你要证明自己我可以纵容你在心底也可以当你只是路过的人而已
Friday, October 12, 2007
mrs lee 竟然要走了....
she is definitely a brilliant principal...
she may not be as 亲民 as mr kwek...
but i can say she is one of the best principal in spore..
读完后,整个人的心情满down 的...
原来mrs lee是要到sajc去当校长...
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
today is grad ceremony.a sad cum happy day.happy coz can run ard skl to take photos with teachers and friends.sad coz it marks the end of a college life.din have lessons for the whole day, except for the grad ceremony.though the grad ceremony was quite a typical one..i guess it left quite a deep impression in my heart bah.esp. the teachers video montage.all the subject teachers are really super sweet and humourous..esp the maths one.coz it said out my心声one month ago..when i was grumbling abt whether izzit adrian tan who set the naughty socks qn..and oso the history one...''12 days of xmas'' can actually become so interesting.out of the 3 stages of education in my life.. i guess probably jc life was the only one that i enjoyed the most..though it was also the shortest period among the 3...mainly due to the friends, teachers and the language we usually speak in (ie chinese).Friends:Most impt friends in ny are none other than the ones in the *a*a family de.wawa:-my fav.quoted frm others.everyday shit her car.or shld be her papa's car.funny funny as me.guess she is my entertainer bah.known her for less than a yr.yet can crap any stuffs.the only one that holds the most of my secrets.the only person that my whole family knows.and i think her whole family oso knows me le and closest friend. =D
yaya:-my 2nd fav.if nt she will 吃醋de.been in the same class and cca since 1st 3 months.closest to me in class.always help me when needed.super innocent.according to haowei, she likes facial.ha.closest and bestest friend too.=)mama:-my 2nd fav too.if nt she will divorce with me de.though both of us are in cnny and lep, if we were nt put into the same grp..i guess we wouldnt have married le bah.that's what i call fate.ha.always protect me.esp when wawa bully me.blur.kind.nice.good. papa always love mama.=)haha:-2nd closest in class le.bravest among the 三剑客can 哈啦 with anybody.and always help me get back my stuffs.piggy.likes to eat.can eat during lecture, tutorial,break and when doing homework.her hse can open vcd shops le.muz borrow hk drama vcds from her when A's end.though her TLB vcd is nw still with and others like xiong, linda, gillian, hanisah, zaza, lala, zhixin, panfong, shiming, ns's clique of friends, seowling, poh boon and the rest.nice to know pple like you guys.coz you guys are good and nice pple.ha.Teachers:NY teachers are the cutest and most interesting teachers i ever met.they are like ur friends, rather than your mentors.亦师亦友.i would say.and most imptly, they teach and speak in chinese!!Maths:-ms teng aka sister.teach maths in it during tutorials or consultations.a good maths teacher.can 一语点醒梦中人.-mrs idol.super humourous.and most imptly, she wont laugh when she said a joke.i enjoyed her lectures the most le.though she nv teach me b4...but i can sense that she is a great tutor to have.Econs: -nandwani.cutest econs teacher on earth.always able to make econs sound so simple.funny guy.Chinese: -Uncle fav.ha.seldom gets angry de.and is super sweet to his wife.every word he says he will repeat 3 times.everytime gt tests or major exams, he will drop obvious hints.esp. the day before the chinese mock exam, he was in charge of nite study.i went to consult him.. and he zhi jie write down all the points for the ans in the exam.and for prelims, he zhi jie put the ans on litespeed before the prelims.-HaoWei.越看越帅.though he may look and sound fierce.he is actually nice de.a guy with super high IQ and EQ.and he is also super friendly.i like.-Tongtong.a weird teacher.with serious mood swings.super cute when he act cute.esp. the ''可以吗?''and i like the poem he wrote for ruoyi.super sweet.he is a man with super high integrity.-Lin MaMa.always protect the 三剑客.though some may not like her.who cares.most imptly i like her.though sometimes abit 啰嗦...but she is actually quite nice de.Physics:-Eunice Wang.1st member of the Sister Club.and most prob the last member oso.ha.brilliant physics teacher.most imptly, she actually uses the hand that i gave her in the video montage.she is my friend.coz she dreams of me.Principal: Mr kwek.super cute and friendly principal.no架子.gd boy.guess after i left ny, i will really miz every single one of them up there.the autograph book.. i still havent let every of my teachers write yet..still gt haowei, eunice wang, nandwani...and some other impt friends....and i still have nt taken photos with all my chers yet.esp. uncle zhang and eunice wang.hmm...trying very hard to struggle between studies and thinking of future life where pple above are not around me le...mixed feelings.seriously feeling quite sad nw..worry about life after 20 Nov.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
3oth august 2007-->last tutorial in ny..09 october 2007-->last lecture in ny..hmm...felt very 感慨...for the last time i will be having lectures...for the last time i will be sitting in the LTs...and tmr is gonna be the graduation ceremony...i guess i am gonna miss my everyday life in ny...those days with lessons.. breaks then lessons again...those days that ends in the afternoon...and those teachers that we can 哈拉with..."Everything that begins must come to an end"2 yrs of jc life really flew past damn fast..i seriously dont mind having 5 yrs or even 10yrs of jc anw since tmr is the grad ceremony...i abandoned all my study plans...and went out with ns..or what everyone 俗称as my ''beloved'' *hair stands..we went tpy but the popular was sort of under we went to bishan j8.spent lots of time on choose the cards/papers as well as the autograph book.then we went to those gift shops and look see look see...hmm... seems like even those animals that are linked to me also begin with the letter 'p'..e.g. pig, penguinlol.and i am pretty amazed by myself that i am still not very hungry after undergoing 24 hrs of no food...that is, from last nght 7 till today 7pm...i have eaten NOTHING.and the only thing that i drank was just a cup of green tea.COOL~.and btw i have bought a new autograph book...and is the same autograph book as someone.. ha.and guess i have to ask jiemin to rewrite her 5 pg of 人物性格分析 of me again.. and xiong paiseh..ns say she dun mind writing nvm.ha. =)*~Everybody, Let's aim towards our 500 bucks!
Saturday, October 06, 2007
hmm...have been starting on my revision since last week..
let's see by now..
how much have i done:
-> TJC
-> CJC
-> Specimen Paper 1 & 2
on the way: -> SRJC and 2005 Alvls paper
--> market failure
--> Inflation
--> Monopoly and Price discrimination
-Chinese(paper 1)
--> 五柳先生
--> 六国论
--> 药
--> 最宝贵的
--> 命运的迹线
--> 茶馆
--> SAJC prelims
--> CJC prelims
hmm.. still got many papers to complete for maths and physics and many other stuffs to memorise for econs and chinese..
加油!加油!加油! =)